2 blur heads + 2 laugh-non-stop-all the-way = 4 very happy people
that was last thursday,
and i didnt post this up then because i was still busy laughing at those pics.
ahh how my belly ached after laughing so hard.
and not forgetting my whole body ached too after badminton with blue reefians in the afternoon.
it was supposed to be a farewell party for 4 for mr andy who is leaving for limkokwing soon.
manatau, he's leaving next week =.=
so we decided to have dinner at ananda's as a PRE-farewell party.
thanks for dinner,andy. =)
i spent the whole friday working at blue reef and then violin so i was too tired for anything after that.
i spent the whole of saturday violin-ing and working at blue reef till 12am.
and then went over to green house to meet amy,tingen,carmen,evan,wendell and the rest.
and then it was upr.
and nope, i did not club =)
we were just chilling at zanzibar.
p/s-tracy,deeps and calby, i miss you guys and sunset =(
that was last thursday,
and i didnt post this up then because i was still busy laughing at those pics.
ahh how my belly ached after laughing so hard.
and not forgetting my whole body ached too after badminton with blue reefians in the afternoon.
it was supposed to be a farewell party for 4 for mr andy who is leaving for limkokwing soon.
manatau, he's leaving next week =.=
so we decided to have dinner at ananda's as a PRE-farewell party.
thanks for dinner,andy. =)
i spent the whole friday working at blue reef and then violin so i was too tired for anything after that.
i spent the whole of saturday violin-ing and working at blue reef till 12am.
and then went over to green house to meet amy,tingen,carmen,evan,wendell and the rest.
and then it was upr.
and nope, i did not club =)
we were just chilling at zanzibar.
p/s-tracy,deeps and calby, i miss you guys and sunset =(

p p/s-my upmost sincere apologies to mr chuah jo-shua for forgetting about him.
on sunday morning, i have violin again,
was supposed to go to the gym with christ but
instead i took a nap from 1pm to 6pm.
was so damn tired because i havent been sleeping well nowadays =(
went over to gurney for a mini-farewell for chia chyn and rachel kang,
they will be leaving to segi,kl to study psychology next week =(
it was nice to meet up with jenny, jiali,rachel,chia chyn and alyn again.
i miss those days in college,
i miss the cgl gang in college.
too bad anna was grounded =(
after dinner at nandos,
we wanted to head over to secret recipe because i was having a sweet tooth.
manatau they were didnt wanna serve us because they 'claimed' to be closing soon.
so we went over to the newly opened McD at gurney plaza.
there is a very cool machine there =D
and when we are done with McD, secret recipe was still opened.
damn those lazy workers!
after fetching alyn home,
it was supper with tannie,
he brought me to the tanjung bungah market wantan mee at midnight,
where you have to make your own drinks.
and there's only an old uncle serving us.
there was a cute lil kitten too =)
and that idiot tried to feed it with sambal
in the end he spilled the sambal on his foot.
so clever!
*claps hands*
then it was home sweet home for me =)
sorry that i cant join the you guys for left4dead.